The information you submit is strictly for the purpose of creating the most comprehensive list for funding applications and to better understand the Town’s water needs.
Ulster County Community EMS Survey
We are seeking community input regarding EMS delivery in Ulster County. Your investment of approximately 5 minutes completing this survey would be an exceptionally valuable part of this project.
Open Space Inventory and Analysis
This Open Space Inventory and Analysis for the Town of Shawangunk, New York, is an outgrowth of the town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Dick Parker Community Service Award
The Town of Shawangunk Town Board, in conjunction with the Southern Ulster Rotary Club, has created the Dick Parker Community Service Award
Police Reform and Reinvention Committee
This is a special committee to explore the rules, regulations and operating procedures of the Town of Shawangunk Police Department.
Mobile DMV Bus
The bus will be at the Shawangunk Town Hall on the second, third and fourth Friday of each month.
Emerald Ash Borer
The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive beetle from Asia that kills ash trees. Infested trees die rapidly and become very hazardous. The largest Emerald Ash Borer infestation in New York is now in our area.
NYSEG and RG&E Scam Attempts
NYSEG and RG&E are urging customers to be vigilant of scammers posing as representatives of the energy companies.
Shawangunk Comprehensive Plan
The 2021 Comprehensive Plan is three plans in a Town-wide Plan guiding the overall Vision for the entire Town, the Wallkill Hamlet Plan, and the Walker Valley Hamlet Plan.
Walden-Wallkill Rail Trail
The rail-trail is currently open in two disconnected sections. The longer, southern section is paved and stretches 3 miles from Woodruff Street in Walden to Route 208 in Wallkill.
Wallkill River
The river is unusual because it flows north between two major south-flowing rivers, the Hudson and the Delaware River. It also has the unusual distinction of being a river that drains into a creek.